Ethical Standards
Editorial Policy / Open Access Policy / Editorial Ethics / Requirements for Publication / Privacy Policy / Conflict of Interests / Author’s Rights
Editorial Policy
The editorial policy of the journal bases on recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Observance of the ethical norms and rules is mandatory for the participants of the process of publication of academic materials: authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, editors, and employees of the publishing house.
In cases of suspicion of violation of any of the principles described below, the editorial board of the Art & Culture Studies follows the instructions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Open Access Policy
The Art & Culture Studies is an open access periodical. All the issues and full-text online access to the articles are allocated at no charge and for an unlimited term on the official website of the journal, on the Research digital library, Scientific electronic library CyberLeninka, EBSCO Inc. database, and other databases of the Internet.
The Art & Culture Studies journal follows the open access policy to increase the global exchange of knowledge and the development of research activity.
Editorial Ethics
The editorial board of the journal Art & Culture Studies is committed to maintaining a high level of scientific reputation and ensuring the quality of scientific publications.
The Editorial Board ethics is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (the Committee of Publication Ethics COPE) and also takes into account the best practice of international journals and publishing houses.
The Federal State Financed Scientific Institution State Institute for Art Studies as a Founder and Publisher of the journal Art & Culture Studies assumes obligations to control all stages of the editorial and publishing process is responsible for the publication of author’s works, and promote the adherence of ethical standards on behalf of the editors, the Editorial Board, the Editorial and Expert Council, the reviewers, and the authors.
Requirements for Publication
Adherence to the ethical common;
Correspondence to the mission and scientific priorities of the journal;
Novelty and originality of the research.
Privacy Policy
Personal data submitted to the journal Art & Culture Studies by authors, including email addresses, is used exclusively for scholarly publication purposes.
Personal data submitted to the journal Art & Culture Studies by reviewers, including email addresses, is used exclusively for scholarly publication purposes.
The editorial board will not make personal data available to third parties, which may use it for any other purposes.
Conflict of Interests
Potential conflict of interests arises in the presence of financial, personal, and/or professional conditions, that may influence the scientific judgment of the reviewer and/or the editor and the Editorial Board decision on the article’s publication (according to the Committee of Publication Ethics COPE).
Journal the Art & Culture Studies assumes that by the very fact of submitting of the paper for consideration of Editorial Board the author states that all forms of financial support are acknowledged in their contribution; any commercial, financial, personal, and/or professional involvements that might present an appearance of a conflict of interests related to the submitted article are absent.
Otherwise, the author may ask the editor-in-chief to exclude any specific reviewer from the peer review of the article submitted.
Editors and reviewers shall declare a potential conflict of interests that may influence the Editorial Board judgment.
In the presence of a conflict of interests between the editor and/or the reviewer with the author, the article must be handed over to another editor and/or reviewer respectively.
Evaluation of the article shall not be biased. The main evaluation criterion is its academic merit. The very presence of the conflict of interests declared by any party of the paper`s consideration or reviewing, shall not be the cause for rejection of its publication.
Disputable cases are reviewed by the Editorial and Expert Council of Art & Culture Studies.
Author’s rights
Authors grant non-exclusive rights for their texts and materials and retain full rights to use them according to their own discretion.
The journal doesn't charge authors.
Honorariums are not paid

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